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Accepting Your Session Offer

Congratulations! Your session has been accepted to an event! Well Done!

Just Attend operates an approval and acceptance process for session offers. When an organiser offers you a session you have to formally accept it. This gives both you and the organisers time to understand your options and intentions. There will be two ways in which you are informed, email and when logged into the Just Attend platform.

Accepting By E-mail

When the organiser is ready to inform you, you will receive an email from events@justattend.com Please make sure you add it to your safe senders list to avoid it going to junk! Inside the offer email you will be able to see the session being accepted along with the date, time and room the organiser has allocated to you. You can then accept or decline your offer.

When you click the accept or decline links you will be redirected to the conference platform. If you are not signed in, you will need to sign in with your account. Once signed in, it will redirect you to the acceptance screen

Make your decision. If you click decline you will be given an option to add a comment / reason as to why. This will be sent to the organiser.

Accepting in the Platform

Alternatively, login to the conference and go to Speaker Lounge then Submitted Sessions. The default tab is the approved sessions and you will be shown the session to accept.

Make your choice as required.

If accepting click Accept and confirm the popup disclaimer

Once you have accepted, you will be emailed your calendar invite to your session and also your ticket to the event which you will need to register at the event and collect your badge.