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Modifying the Agenda

The conference agenda is the most time consuming task an organiser has to undertake. Just Attend aims to make this a simpler job by automatically scheduling sessions and allowing the organiser to make changes using a simple drag and drop interface. No Excel sheet imports / exports or convoluted processes. The solution is designed so that it becomes a 10-minute or less task.

To make changes to the agenda go to the Admin Lounge and then to Conference Scheduler

The agenda will load into a calendar view, like the below

To change the time or room of a session, simply drag and drop the session to the desired space. You can do this as many times as you want. The changes will not be saved until your press the Save Changes button.

If you want to reset the calendar to the original state, press Undo Changes. Please note that this will undo all unsaved changes to the last known saved state only. There is no revision history.

Save & Send Updates

You have two save options. The normal Save Changes will not inform the speaker or any attendees who have added this session to their agenda of the change. The second option is to Save & Send Updates. When you select this state the speaker and any attendees who have added the modified session(s) to their agenda will be sent a calendar update invite to their email address informing them of a change in time and/or room.

Editing A Session

You can directly edit a session from the conference scheduler by clicking on the session in the calendar. The edit blade will slide out allowing you to make changes to the session title, abstract as well as the session categories. When complete, press Save Changes

Cancelling A Session

If you need to cancel a session, edit the session on the conference scheduler and click Remove from Agenda. When clicked calendar cancellations will be sent to the speaker and any attendees who have added this session to their agenda.