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Review & Approve Sessions from Call for Content

Just Attend has a built in feature to allow registered users to submit content sessions to your event when you are accepting submissions. The maximum number of sessions a single person can submit is defined in your conference settings. 

You are able to track the submissions to your event in the admin lounge under Submitted Content.

Use the filtering tool to narrow the viewed results as you wish. 

Review Statuses

There are 8 review statuses:

  1. Awaiting Review - The default status when someone submits a piece of content
  2. Shortlisted 
  3. Approved - Pending Speaker Acceptance
  4. Approved & Accepted
  5. More Info Required
  6. Declined by Speaker
  7. Cancelled
  8. Rejected


This is an internal review status that allows organisers to silently shortlist sessions as they work towards a more formal decision. The state will not be visible to the submitter of the content. They will still see the status as "Awaiting Review". When using this status along with other attributes, the organiser can filter the submissions into a shorter list to make a decision.

Approved - Pending Speaker Acceptance

This status is the default status applied when an organiser officially accepts a session onto the agenda. When this status is selected an offer e-mail is queued in the system that when sent by the organiser, the submitter will have the option to accept or decline their speaking offer. This lets the organiser know who is committed to delivering their session and who has yet to.

Approved & Accepted

Approved & Accepted status is applied automatically when the content submitter formally accepts their speaking offer. This lets the organiser know who has reacted to their session and gives a level of confidence for attendance.

More Info Required

If the organiser / reviewer wishes to ask the submitter questions about their submission, they can use the More Info Required status along with a comment. When set, an email is queued and then sent to the submitter with the comment made by the reviewer. They can then click a link and respond to the request on the platform. Their comment will be shown in the comment section under the session review.

Declined by Speaker

If a session offer is declined by a speaker the organiser is notified by email along with any reason given. This status shows which session and speaker has declined to speak at your event.


This status is set automatically if a content submitter has withdrawn their submission during the call for content window


This status is set when the organiser / reviewer declines to approve the session on the agenda. An email is queued with that decision which can then be sent at a time the organiser wishes. 

Reviewing A Session

When clicking on the title of the session in the Submitted Content review page in the admin lounge, a review blade will be shown like the below

At this stage the reviewer cannot make any changes to the submission. 

If the reviewer wishes to leave a comment that is meant for internal reviewers only, a comment can be marked as Internal. This comment will only be visible in the review comment tab and not visible to the content submitter.

To change the approval status, choose from the following options

Approving A Session

Approving a session will automatically schedule the session on the agenda and will be visible immediately. Once selected, the session will pass through the scheduling service and a date, time and room will be offered based on the scheduling rules applied. You will see appear dynamically.

Don't worry if this is not the intended time you had hoped for. You can change this using the Conference Scheduler afterwards.

Press Save Changes to apply this approval.

Important - Email Notifications

At this point the email offer is queued into the system and will not be sent until you are ready and click the button "Send Acceptance Emails". You can make changes to the schedule by moving sessions to a different time, room or date. Once saved, any changes update the email queued in the system with the updated information. This way, organisers can use the auto schedule to build a first working version and then tailor it until they have the agenda flow they are comfortable with before the speakers are notified.

Be sure to check that a speaker with more than one session is not double scheduled at the same time! - a future system update will prevent this from happening.

Deleting a Session

Sometimes organisers will receive spam submissions that can impact the quality of review process. If spam is received, organisers are able to delete the session from the submitted content using the trash icon when reviewing the session. When deleted, the session is permanently removed and the submitter is not informed of this.